Early Registration for Fall WILDLife Clubs Opens Saturday September 28, 2024
Welcome to the fall session of WILDLife Clubs. Our before and after-school clubs are administered by the Willard Middle School PTA, and taught by Willard’s own amazing teachers and staff. WILDLife Clubs are a great way for students to connect with friends and explore new interests. The fall session will begin on Monday, October 7 and run through December 2024. Each club meets 10 times, one day per week, on either Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. After-school clubs meet from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The start times for before-school clubs and clubs that require a try-out may vary. Please see each individual club listing for schedule information. Loudoun County provides after-school activity buses with limited routes on club days. Bus routes will be published in the Wildcat Chat and sent to the parents of registered students prior to October 1st. Your child may also walk/bike home, or be picked up at the front entrance of the school.
Registration Notes:
- Early Registration for PTA Members opens: Saturday, Sept 28 @ 8 A.M.
- General Registration opens: Sunday, Sept 29 @ 8 A.M.
- Registration CLOSES: Wednesday, Oct 2nd @ midnight
- Please register using a laptop or desktop computer and the Chrome browser. Payments made from a mobile phone may not process correctly. You will receive a confirmation email from SchoolTwist after you have successfully registered for a club.
**If you do not receive a confirmation email, your payment was not processed and your student is not registered.
- Please note that clubs may be canceled prior to Oct 7th due to low enrollment. If a club is canceled or moved to a different day, you will be offered the opportunity to transfer to an open club or receive a full refund.
- There will be no refunds or credits for voluntary withdrawals.
- Financial assistance is available for families who qualify. Please contact Willard’s Family Liaison for more information on financial assistance.
If you have further questions, please contact Willard Middle School PTA Programs.